How Are Worship & Prayer Connected?

Worship Leader Vernon Fuller explores the important connection between Worship & Prayer.

How Are Worship & Prayer Connected?

When I think of the word pray and how it applies to my life, it expresses itself in this way:

  • P = Perspective. Having and seeking God’s perspective meaning that I look up to God (see Psalm 121) from whom my help comes from but that I also recognise that I am seated in heavenly places (see Ephesians 2:6-9) and so I am able to see situations from an eternal heavenly perspective.
  • R = Reflective/Reflection – As I spend time reading God’s Word, the Bible and being filled with The Person of The Holy Spirit, I receive revelation. As God reveals Himself to me more and more, I become a reflection of the One that I worship. As others see God in me, through me and radiated through me, God can use it to touch, influence, challenge and encourage.
  • A = Adoration. Out of a place of adoration and worship and sitting at the feet of Jesus. Over many months I have really sensed that the Lord has been calling me to sit at his feet and spend time with Him. For me to not be pulled away by things that would distract me. I find it easy to be a Martha, but Jesus is calling me to be a Mary. In those times of being still and knowing that God is indeed God (Psalm 46:10), I am able to navigate the challenging times and seasons that we all face and enjoy the peace that passes all understanding. Being focussed on the Lord helps us to not be anxious (Philippians 4:6-7) This is a time for adoration. Jesus Visits Martha and Mary – Luke 10:38-42
  • Y = Yield. To yield to God’s Word, God’s will (to relinquish any sense of one’s own control, to surrender) and then the desires of God’s heart become my desires and then He grants me the desires of my heart because my yielded heart coincides with and reflects His heart. It’s a mystery, but, as I no longer want my will to be fulfilled but God’s will, His will becomes mine and I am then able to ask anything in His name and it shall be done. That’s amazing!!

A phrase that encapsulates my passion is ‘Intercessory Worship’. Here is a definition that describes the phrase eloquently for me: The term intercessory worship, I believe, refers to concentrated, passionate worship-saturated prayer that rises with the fragrance of incense before God’s throne. In response, God releases His power to accomplish His purposes for the harvest. See

8 Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals;For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your bloodOut of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,10 And have made [a]us kings[b] and priests to our God; And [c]we shall reign on the earth.”

Revelation 5:8-10

My hope is that I would be known and remembered as both a ‘worshiping warrior’ and a ‘Mary of Bethany’ and that I would increase in my passion for prophetic prayer-filled worship such as displayed by the Moravians who had:

  • Relational unity, spiritual community, and sacrificial living.
  • Powerful, persistent prayer that produced a divine passion and zeal for missionary outreach to the lost.
  • A motto that they lived by: “No one works unless someone prays.”

Every Blessing

Vernon Fuller

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