You might not think that you are particularly creative! But praying in colour is for everyone, and can help us to pray using our different senses. It also helps us to access a different part of our mind and understanding, can often help us to relax, to find stillness and rest and become more meditative
It doesn’t have to involve lots of complex art equipment, simple paper and some coloured pens or pencils are a good place to start.
Some ways to pray in colour:

- Start by writing names of those you are praying for and then doodle in different colours around the names as you pray and bring them before the Lord. You might feel led to draw simple images that come to mind in prayer, such as a heart or a flower.
- You may wish to begin with a simple line of Scripture, and decorate that with images, doodles, patterns and colours as you meditate on what God is saying through the verse.
- You could begin with a question, or an area of the world, or a people group or organisation in the middle and allow your mind to wander in prayer as you colour around the words.
- There are also some colouring books you can buy with verses of scripture surrounded by designs which you can colour in as you meditate on the words.
Praying in colour can be especially helpful if you find it hard to quieten your mind without fidgeting or playing on your phone – colouring in gives you something to do.
It can help you to organise your prayers and thoughts when you feel overwhelmed by the number of things or areas of life you want to pray into. It can also be helpful to keep you focused because you will keep returning to the words you’re colouring around.

It is also a helpful way to pray when words escape you, allowing you to dwell in the moment with God.
Former Archbishop Michael Ramsey once talked about the call to “be with God, with the people on our heart” and praying in colour is a great way to do that.